pain sensation

美 [peɪn senˈseɪʃn]英 [peɪn senˈseɪʃn]
  • 网络痛觉;疼痛感觉;痛感觉
pain sensationpain sensation


a somatic sensation of acute discomfort
as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain
Synonym: pain painful sensation


  1. And pain sensation score from 21 to 24 points .


  2. Thirteen cases repaired with non - innervated flaps and full - thickness grafting showed deep pain sensation , and over the 1 - 2 cm area coverage around the flaps there was light touch sensation .


  3. The function of posterior group of nuclei in thalamus on reception of pain sensation


  4. Association of blood glucose fluctuation with the pain sensation in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy


  5. Vibratory and pain sensation thresholds for 433 healthy workers without history of vibration exposure in one factory were studied .


  6. Results : TE was more sensitive to cold , warm and heat pain sensation than DF , but equally sensitive to cold pain .


  7. Hippocampus is an important conformation of limbic system . Hippocampus formation is related with pain sensation and pain modulation besides learning , memory and emotion .


  8. Three patients were followed-up for 2 to 6 years , the injured hands regained good pain sensation as well as stereognostic and temperatuer sensations .


  9. The effect of stimulating the cortex of the frontal area on the electrical activity of the pain sensation neurons of the mesencephalic reticular formation , and its relationship to the effect of Acupuncture


  10. It was showed that NADPH-d and AChE Coexisted in most of the neurons in the dorsal root ganglion , which suggests that NADPH-d and AChE , double-stained neurons , may be related to transmission of pain sensation .


  11. Primary sensations ( pain sensation , thermal sensation , taction and vibration sensation ) and senior sensations ( substance sensation , stereognosis , weight sensation , painting and calligraphy , and skin moving direction sensation ) were examined in all patients .


  12. Objective To study the influence of barbotage on blockage characteristics ( onset for pain sensation spreading , duration of sensation blockage , onset time and duration of motor blockage , onset and duration of sensation fixation , table 1 ) during subarachnoid spinal block with Levobupivacaine .


  13. The efficacy was judged according to the following parameters : status of pain , sensation of tension , absorption of infiltrates and haematomas , and period of time until subsidence of symptoms .


  14. Pain and cold sensation disappeared in all of the cases ;


  15. Development of a tester for pain , temperature sensation and tactile sensation


  16. Excellent relief of pain and cold sensation was observed immediately after the procedure .


  17. Patients presented pain and tensional sensation in the groin region and 1 recurred in 95 patients followed up 4-7 years .


  18. Results After the treatment with SF , the skin sclerosis , distal pain , cold sensation , and ulcer index in 38 PSS patients were improved ( P < 0.01 );


  19. The compression of the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve should be considered to the patients with ulnar wrist pain and abnormal sensation along the dorsal ulnar side of hand .


  20. The patient feels paroxysmal colic , obtuse pain or press sensation of pain in the back-breastbone or left prothorax when angina pectoris attacks .


  21. The postoperative follow-up was 3 ~ 12 months . Fifteen fingers had satisfactory appearance with restoration of pain and temperature sensation and 6 ~ 8 mm in the 2-point discrimination .


  22. Both groups can improve signs and symptoms of diabetic peripheral sensory neuropathy , the treatment effect were similar.3.The two groups can ameliorate the lower extremities pain , pain sensation . ( p0.05 ) .


  23. In 2 weeks after surgery ( before sutures out ), less regional symptoms , such as pain , foreign-body sensation , tearing , were observed in the suture group ( P 0.01 ) .


  24. Temperature , pain , and pressure sensation had developed in the hand and fingers after one year .


  25. Acute pain is a protective sensation that serves to warn us of impending harm .


  26. Around the time of its eruption , the person may experience itching , fever , swelling , severe pain and a burning sensation .


  27. Temperature , pain , and itch sensation are transmitted by unmyelinated nerve fibers which terminate in the papillary dermis and around hair follicles .


  28. Although there is no immediate physical response , scientists suspect that hearing such words before experiencing pain could make the sensation worse , as the brain is primed to expect it .


  29. And through the realization of this pain or aggregate of sensation , you can attain to the Enlightenment by which you can destroy defilement and get rid of suffering .


  30. Improvement in postprandial fullness discomfort , epigastric pain , epigastric burning sensation in the treatment group is better than control group , in improving early satiety has no significant difference between the two groups .
